The Egg Walker
Operational logistics for the #Bred4theWild harvest team are obviously quite specific to each nest site. The challenge is always to get the team safely up to the Bearded vulture breeding site and then get the…
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Operational logistics for the #Bred4theWild harvest team are obviously quite specific to each nest site. The challenge is always to get the team safely up to the Bearded vulture breeding site and then get the…
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As disappointment seemed to precede disappointment, the Bred 4 the Wild team was clinging to the hope of a successful harvest as we approached our 13th and final nest. We had two new team members,…
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At the end of June, Fred and Karen Peters of the Manderston area organized two 10 000l water tanks to be delivered to the Sanctuary. Staff and volunteers (seen here left to right, Lu Belinda,Josh, Kees,…
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Children raise money for bearded vulture’s new home. Eight-year-old Lea Conti had heard about the plight of the Bearded Vultures and that there was an un-releaseable bird living at the Sanctuary. She asked her mother…
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