Scientific Name: Necrosyrtes monachus Afrikaans Name: Monnikaasvoel
These small, shy vultures are rarely seen outside of reserves in southern Africa, but further north they are more plentiful and are often associated with people. Although not the first to arrive at carcasses, they are often first to tuck in until displaced by the larger species. They then return afterwards and, using their long slender beaks, access the meat scraps from carcass crevices that the bigger scavengers miss.
The Hooded Vulturesat the Sanctuary are named Rumpole and Darcy. They both come from the Kruger Park area. They are both non-flighted power-line victims. In fact you can see that Darcy is missing a wing completely. Many large birds are either electrocuted by, or collide with, aerial cables. Hooded vultures use their long slender beaks, to access the meat scraps from carcass crevices that the bigger scavengers miss.