Scientific Name: Buteo rufufuscus Afrikaans Name: Rooiborsjackalsvoël Zulu Name: Isikhobotho
These pretty raptors are endemic to South Africa and southern Namibia. They get their name from their load yelping call like that sounds like a jackal. They are often seen on prominent lookout perches from which they hunt small prey ranging from insects to small rodents and birds. This they catch on the ground with a parachute landing approach.
The Jackal Buzzards on display in the Honeycomb habitats are called Kodi and Tigger. Kodi, the female, was hit by a car and never recovered properly. JB’s (as they are often called) can often be seen hunting from a telephone pole beside the road and are vulnerable to being hit by passing cars as they swoop after their prey. Tigger was handed into Raptor Rescue as a very sick chick. He too has never been a particularly strong bird and cannot fly well enough to be able to survive on his own.